Monday, July 30, 2012

I Think I stink.

Do you ever get the feeling that you smell? I think this is a part of the whole mommy gig, that or Papa Gears and I just smell awful.  When I can get people to make plans with me, they change and I get stood up ,always it’s kind a depressing actually, even family!  

The other thing I want to talk about is what my friend call’s the 2+ club.  After the birth of your second child the sleep deprivation and the Dora depletes your ability to think so much that you  can no longer be interesting. Your boring to talk to you know don’t have anything to say. When you actually have an adult conversation it is absolutely hilarious and interesting.  I think, you know I’m not sure what to say ummmm…..

1 comment:

  1. While I love the graphics, if you want more fun stuff to play with you should check out -free photo editing. I've spent many an hour on their previous site picnik.

